
Pirate's Life for Us Chapter35

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The tune had just started, but it all felt so timeless.  

"Aye, Ms. Jo be tellin' the truth," Barbossa grinned at me as I shyly twirled under his right arm and slid back into position. I was pretty sure my face was on fire, and I only hoped it didn't show as much as I thought it did. "This little lass be quite elegant on 'er feet…" he winked in Jack's direction.

Jack grinned.

Okay, now I was DEFINETLY sure my face was on fire.

"Did I tell yeh, or did I tell yeh?" Jo giggled as she continued on her Cittern, twirling a few times herself.

"I believe yeh told us," Jack replied, smiling all the more as he swished the rum in his bottle.

Meanwhile, amongst our chatting (and my consistent blushing), Phillip had persuaded Syrena to dance next to us on the deck. I could see she became better with every stride she took. It was only then I noticed Barbossa and Phillip were doing the same dance, and both Syrena and I suddenly twirled outward until we came face to face. She smiled at me and I beamed right back as we were both swept back into step by our graceful partners.

"Aye, yer all havin' yer fun without meh, eh?" Gibbs popped out from his cabin door with a bright face.

"Mr. Gibbs!" Jack shouted, happily, "She be doing well, yes?" Barbossa spun me around once more.

"Indeed Captain, indeed! I be almost done, in fact." Gibbs replied. *What in Calypso's storm do they be talkin' about?* I pondered as I met Barbossa's stunning eyes once more. I couldn't help but admire their unmistakable color, such a beautiful blue…they instantly reminded me of moonlight. *Yes, that's it…moonlight…The color of eyes aunt Ellen had…* We finally returned to the basic position, my right hand on his broad shoulder, and the left in his rough hand. In turn, his right hand clasped my own and the other was pressed against my upper back to lead. I felt comforted, and perhaps even…safe at the gesture. We spun to the left, then the right, our feet gliding so beautifully on the Pearl's deck. *How pleasant, this is…* my head noted. His peg leg seemed to give him no trouble at all. And even if it did, he was hiding it from me. I gave Barbossa the most sincere smile I could offer to show my appreciation for his company. I couldn't think of a way to thank him for something that seemed so simple, yet was so immense in this moment.

"Aye, you be quite welcome, missy…" his eyes crinkled into his own unique smile as we now transitioned into more intricate steps, with both of my hands on his shoulders, and his on my waist. *Wha-how did he know what I was thin-* my eyes widened and I subconsciously took a sharp breath in pure surprise.  Barbossa gave a hearty laugh. "My dear, I have been alive quite long enough to learn how ta' read me mates minds, such as yers, yeh should know!" I suddenly felt the sensation of weightlessness and gasped as my feet were lifted off the deck below me.

Barbossa smiled as he spun me around in the air, my hair flying in the sudden wind "Yet I do find yer endearing shocked expression to be quite amusin'!" I blinked a few times at the word "endearing", then giggled in spite of myself at the warm feeling the twirling gave me. Barbossa chuckled himself. "But yer laughter be all the more heartwarmin'"  I felt my happy heart pound and realized I had lost count of how many times we had whirled about. Yet, I found I didn't care in the slightest bit. More foggy memories were brought back to me, ones that I treasured for all my life. When Daddy would pick me up and twirl me just like this, making me giggle and telling me "What a pretty young lady I've found myself acquainted with!" . *Oh, Daddy…*

The world stopped spinning as I was set back down with a *thump* onto the deck. Words could hardly describe the sweet feeling inside of me at that moment…I felt as though I would burst into a giggling mess!

"That was lovely you two!" Phillip exclaimed, still teaching smiling Syrena new steps.

"Very lovely!" she cooed.

"Fer sure," Gibbs chuckled as he leaned against the edge with Jack, "To be honest, I didn't think yeh had such a gracefulness in ya, Ms. Jenna!"

"Oh, my swift sister! Ye see? Didn't I tell yeh? Ye dance beautifully!" Jo said, resting her fingers for the moment.

"O-oh!" I said, taken aback by such nice remarks, "T'was Barbossa, really, he be such a wonderful dancer,"

Barbossa laughed, "Aye, thank yeh very much, yet Mr. Sparrow seems to think otherwise, m'dear…" I spun to look in Jack's direction. He was standing next to Gibbs, still swishing what little rum was left in the golden bottle. He raised his eyebrows and tilted his chin upward.

"No, no, t'was indeed, quite nice, yet I do believe I know some man who could very well top it…" he grinned as only a Sparrow could and trotted forward in our direction, his boots making a familiar *clunk clonk clunk clonk* on the deck.

"Do yeh think so, Jack?" Barbossa played along, "And who would this man be?"

"Yes, I be quite interested to meet this fellow as well!" Jo exclaimed sarcastically, obviously knowing the man, "Who be he?"

"Ah, I'm glad you asked mateys!" Jack's smile never faltered as he approached Barbossa and tapped his own shoulder, "That fascinating man be none other than Captain Jack Sparrow himself!"

"YOU, Jack?" Barbossa chuckled, "When in the blazes did you learn to dance without falling on yer face on the first step?"

"Yes, well…I believe that is the goal of 'dancing', yes?"

"Aye, that it be, Captain." Gibbs confirmed in the background, taking another swig of rum.

Jack turned to Gibbs, "See?!" he said, turning around again and grinning in Barbossa's face.

"Well then, Jack, on behalf of the crew of the Pearl, I believe t'would be an honor to watch ya do what yeh call "dancin'"." Barbossa grinned back.

"I second that!" Jo stepped forward with a hand in the air.

"Aye, me three!" Gibbs raised his bottle.

"This should be interesting…" Phillip raised an eyebrow, and Syrena laughed at him.

I won't lie; I was quite interested to see the Captain dance myself. "I very much wish to see it as well!" I nodded a bit too vigorously.

"Ah, good," Jack walked briskly in my direction; "Because the Captain needs a partner!" he winked. Before I could even comprehend what he had said, Jack took my hand in his and scooted me closer to him. *God's teeth, me face must be redder than me own blood!* I thought as Jo laughed and began a familiar tune with no hesitation.

"B-But, me,Ca-Captain?" I stuttered in embarrassment of my blushing. "I-I…I…" I felt so shy all of a sudden. *What if I mess up?! What will he say?! What will I say!?!? What-*

"Oh, relax Jenna!" Jo nudged, "Ye'll do fine!" I could only hope to Calypso she was right. Who was to say I wouldn't fall, or do something clumsy?

"Aye, see? Listen to the Jo lass!" Jack smiled, still holding my hand. It was warm, and I enjoyed the feeling of his gentle touch. It felt even warmer when he had hugged me yesterday…*Oh, stop it Jenna!* my thoughts shattered my forming fantasies. *Just…dance…* I took deep breath and gave Jack a sincere grin to cover any and all emotions.

"Al-Alright then…" I managed to get out, keeping a steady smile.

"Aye, there's the Jenna we know!" Gibbs noted enthusiastically.

I couldn't help but bite my lower lip in a bit of apprehension. Phillip took notice and smiled.

"Would you mind if we joined, Mr. Sparrow?" he asked with Syrena wrapped in his arms. Her eyes twinkled in excitement.

"I see no reason not to, lad." came Jack's response. "Perhaps we should all join!" he beamed.

"Aye… t'would be nice to try it out, anyway…" Gibbs raised his eyebrows as he took one last sip of rum. He set the bottle down. "Though I do seem to be lackin' a partner, Captain…"

"I would, Mr. Gibbs, but-" Jo started, but was quickly interrupted by Barbossa.

"Aye, go on, lass," he gently took the Cittern and shooed her towards Gibbs, "I've had me enough dancin' for one day!"

Jo smiled, "Oh, thank you, but are yeh sure yeh know how to-"

"Aye, aye, aye," Barbossa shooed his hand at Jo again as he sat himself upon the anchor wheel. "I've been playin' such things yeeearrrss 'fore yeh were even born, dear…" he chuckled to himself.

"Really?" I asked, curious about the things I did not know about Hector Barbossa.

"No, I was lyin'," he answered sarcastically as he strummed the cittern gracefully. "Yeh rascals gonna dance er just stand there?" he shook his head as his fingers began the music.

"Oh, I would much rather dance!" Jo giggled, instantly scooping Gibbs' hands into hers and twirling themselves in multiple circles.

"So would I!" Syrena brightened even more as Phillip lifted her romantically, never taking his blue eyes off her.

Jack pretended to clear his throat. "Shall we then?" he grinned. *That smile….No! Concentrate!*

"We shall." I grinned myself, realizing he was still holding my hand.

"Right then," his deep eyes sparkled, and it took all in my power not to drown in them as we began the dance with a formal bowing. As 'formal' as pirates can be, anyway…

Before I knew it, we were already dancing. I felt so overwhelmed, yet calm at the same time. How strange, it was, that this man could bring such…interesting…emotions to me.

My heart raced as we took intricate steps to the left, then the right. I twirled outside and came back into his protective arms. I shuddered at the sudden feeling of comfort, but was able to keep up with his moves. We did quite nicely, actually. In fact, I don't believe I have ever practiced with a better partner in all my years. The way our bodies fit compactly and the equal dancing skills we both possessed made it an extraordinary experience. I felt so…alive, at the moment, and I prayed that if I tried, I could make it last forever…

Syrena and Phillip were in their own world, laughing and chatting about little nothings just for the sake of doing so. Syrena's warm giggles filled the air, along with the comforting sound of lapping waves against the Black Pearl. I noticed that Jo had done a wonderful job teaching Gibbs how do dance as well. In fact, you would never guess it was his first time. Meanwhile, Barbossa sat on the anchor wheel, looking out to the horizon with the look of adventure in his eyes while he played like a professional.

Jack and I took another "step back and bow" move before coming into each other's arms once more. I felt so happy and light. I leaned back into his chest and grasped onto his wrists, thinking that maybe, just maybe, if I held on tight enough, the world would stop and let me savor such bliss.

"Yeh dance beautifully, love…"he whispered in my ear with a smile. I shivered and felt my face become extremely hot. *Goddamn you…* my head cursed, *How do your mere words make me feel so…so…grahhh!!!!* I gave up, coming to the conclusion that there was no use in even trying to explain what I felt.

I managed to keep in time with the music and took a deep breath once we had turned to face each other. "But ye are much better than I am…" I admitted to his smiling face. Indeed, I felt I was no match for such a detailed dancer.

"Ah, but that would be you, love," he said as we rested into the same position Barbossa and I were in (before he had lifted and spun me around). "I feel honored to dance with such a fair miss as yerself…" he whispered down to my now flaming red face. *F-fair?* Why so many compliments? Not that they were bad or anything…I suppose.

"W-well I feel just as honored to share a dance with the handsome Captain…" I giggled as we strode in circles with my hair flying in the wind.

"Ah…" Jack chuckled warmly, "Well, that be a relief. I only hope I can be such a Captain to lead us to the Angel Idol, my dear."

"Of course yeh will be!" I blinked, appalled that Jack Sparrow would even second guess himself for one second. "No doubts be on me mind at all! 'Course we'll find it!"

"Find what?" Jo peeped from beside us, still leading Gibbs. She was so light on her feet, I didn't even realize she had come this way!

"The Angel Idol, of course!" I said, secretly savoring the feeling of holding Jack's shoulders.

"Oh! Yes! We'll find it!" she confidentially smiled. "What be givin' yeh doubts, Jack?"

Jack rose an eyebrow and smiled at her enthusiasm. "Unfortunately Mr. Roger took the only Color Gem I had, yeh see…" *So THAT was the jewel at the mermaid pools…*   "Our map be useless without it, I'm afraid…"

*But what would have become of the gem?* my mind pondered as I glanced down. *Perhaps-*

I never got to finish my thought, for once I had looked down, I realized something was in my hidden pocket, (which was located on my outside leather covering) and I immediately reached for it. The object felt smooth and cool, and it shined a brilliant array of colors when I brought it into the light.

The Color Gem.

"Are yeh sure about that, Captain?" I asked, showing him my discovery. It was shaped into a perfect circle, and its colors were simply a beautiful sight to behold.

Jack paused, causing our dancing to come to an abrupt stop, and crinkled his eyebrows. "Where did you get that?" he blinked. I found his surprised tone amusing, and smiled at him. Jo and Gibbs' faces were just as stunned. I slipped it into Jack's coat pocket for safekeeping.

"It was in me own pocket…William Turner must have- ooh!" I suddenly found myself spinning in the air again, but this time with Jack.

"Ah, love, what would I do without yeh?" he grinned up at me.

"Uhm…I suppose you would be without the Color Gem, fer one." I replied, blushing.

Jack laughed as he set me back down. "Indeed, my dear, indeed…Just think of all the treasure we are about to behold!" he motioned with one of his hands.

Jo's eyes practically dilated. "Ooohhh…I do like treasure!" she giggled.

"Aye, so do I, yet then again, who doesn't?" Gibbs told her with a grin. This caused Jo to laugh as they spun in the opposite direction, beginning to chat amongst each other.

"Well this should be quite exciting, yes?" I asked with a hopeful glance at Jack's face.

"Oh, t'will be much more than exciting, dearie! Who knows what awaits us!" he explained as Barbossa sped up the tune to give the air a bit more energy. "Dense, dark, jungles… deep sea monsters!" Jack couldn't contain his excitement, and neither could I, as we twirled.

" Mysterious curses! Raging ocean storms!" I told him eagerly.

"Danger at every turn!" Jack's eyes brightened.

"Yet rewards that sailors only DREAM of!" I squeezed his shoulders in excitement for the surprises to come.

Jack chuckled, "Ah, love, yeh know what this means?" we slowed our dancing steps as the end of the song drew near.

"What, Captain?!" I asked, simply dying to know his answer, " What does it mea-ah!" I gasped feeling my entire body fall to the side as Jack dipped me, then rose my body back up in a swift motion. My face became warm again.

Jack's forehead gently rested on mine as he grinned, and for a second I thought my heart stopped beating.  He looked at me with his dark enchanting eyes, and smiled as only a pure Sparrow could,  as he said the fateful words:

"Ah dearie…It means it always has, and always will be…

… A pirate's life for us…"
I'm not gonna lie.

Even though it took me forever to write, I am actually really proud of how I wrapped things up here!



I hope you guys enjoyed it!!! Please comment!


I want to thank everyone who has been keeping up with it, I appriciate it more than you'll ever know!!!

Thank you!!!!!


I have a surprise.

Can anyone unscramble these words? EUQSLE

If you can, congratulations!!!!

You know the surprise!

Thanks guys!!!!!


SPAZZZ ATTACKKKK! :iconspazattackplz:

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ZayTheGreat's avatar
Love it, beautiful writing. simply lovely. Congrats